the word in itself, holds many variations for many.
to some, it brings relief, a smile upon their face as they are transported back
to that one moment, when everythin was on the line and just one event that
occured intentionally or unintentionally, just did it for them
and then again ,for some it brings a crease upon their forehead. they pray for one
to occur, an event that will change their situation and turn their life around.
one that will finally bring them to a general state of peace, a calmness of the mind that they
have been waiting for, hoping for.
their eyes, deep and dark, with that tiny glimmer of hope search around them for one small
sight, that one small thing they want so badly. every breath flowing in and out thrusts them toward
that one little thing. their sole purpose in life. to find succour, to find happiness. to find that one misssing
peice in the jigsaw of life that will really fit, which will finally complete them. till that moment they tread
upon this earth walking around in search. the search which will take them places, one that will drive them to push
their bodies and their souls and test their limits.
the search that begins with a desire to attain what we hope for. what we want for ourselves in our lives.
some get it, while some get crushed in the mundane drudgeries of life. pushed to make choices they didnt want
to make .pushed to actions not meant to be initiated. dragged around in their quest they pray for that one
miracle.they look at the skies with empty eyes. they wait for their miracle, their much awaited surprise.